Thursday, August 18, 2011


What brings this to mind is that I have been called a procrastinator twice today...thus far. I have put off two different tasks because I have gotten distracted by other things or my mind wanders off.

Anyhoots (Haha...Amy...)

Some may see it as one of my worst flaws, but I see it as one of my better traits. I tend to do better at things after I put them off for awhile. Take for instance my Current Political Events final exam in my senior year of college. I did it all the night before and got a 98 percent on it...not to brag. It's true though, I tend to be more motivated and my mind works better while under pressure. If I would have started on that exam (16 pages of a take home essay test with no less than 6 sources - at least 2 from internet, 2 from a book of some kind and 2 from any other) the week before the due date in which it was assigned, then I probably would have gotten a C on it. I would have over thought everything and by the end it would have just been a jumbled mess from all the changes I'd have made.
I did almost give my mom a heart attack that night though when she found out it was due the next day...

Which goes to show just how crazy-different people are.
For instance - I am going to use this time to tell each and every one of you that procrastination is good and sadly enough a dieing art-form. The act of procrastination, mixed with a wonderful cup of coffee (or whatever is to your liking...tea, MD, etc...) is really the best high anyone could have.
However, I believe every teacher out there would disagree - well, most. The main reason I did not become a teacher - this love of mine would have slowly been stripped away from me.

Journalism on the other hand is the perfect answer to procrastination. You can ask most writers in my newsroom - deadlines and down to the wire stories are what motivates writers. Take for instance me. I have been putting off writing this blog post because I'm a procrastinator. I procrastinate. IT'S WHAT I DO!

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