Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reason #1,354,968 that I hate summer...

**This blog was actually written on my iPhone at 1:15 this a.m. when I got home from work and couldn't stop itching.**

You see, I had a photo shoot Sunday afternoon, taking pictures of an old friend's son, Aydan. A destination I had for the photo shoot was Mandi's (the friend) dad's field.

Well, to explain one thing here, I'm a fall/winter kind of girl, so my mind doesn't automatically go to the fact that if I go out into this field, then I would get little tiny seed ticks all over me. This logic completely escaped from my thought process.

Sure enough though...I get home that night and I am covered in them. So I tell Matty (who was with me at the shoot) to check himself. After he did so, he reassured me (rubbing it in) that he did not have one tick on him. That's right, not one.

SO, in conclusion, the itch began big time last night and I feel like I have the chicken pox all over again, making bug bites my Reason #1354,968 for hating summer.

The real sad part is that this itch better cease pronto or they're going to have to duck tape oven mitts on my hands.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


What brings this to mind is that I have been called a procrastinator twice today...thus far. I have put off two different tasks because I have gotten distracted by other things or my mind wanders off.

Anyhoots (Haha...Amy...)

Some may see it as one of my worst flaws, but I see it as one of my better traits. I tend to do better at things after I put them off for awhile. Take for instance my Current Political Events final exam in my senior year of college. I did it all the night before and got a 98 percent on it...not to brag. It's true though, I tend to be more motivated and my mind works better while under pressure. If I would have started on that exam (16 pages of a take home essay test with no less than 6 sources - at least 2 from internet, 2 from a book of some kind and 2 from any other) the week before the due date in which it was assigned, then I probably would have gotten a C on it. I would have over thought everything and by the end it would have just been a jumbled mess from all the changes I'd have made.
I did almost give my mom a heart attack that night though when she found out it was due the next day...

Which goes to show just how crazy-different people are.
For instance - I am going to use this time to tell each and every one of you that procrastination is good and sadly enough a dieing art-form. The act of procrastination, mixed with a wonderful cup of coffee (or whatever is to your liking...tea, MD, etc...) is really the best high anyone could have.
However, I believe every teacher out there would disagree - well, most. The main reason I did not become a teacher - this love of mine would have slowly been stripped away from me.

Journalism on the other hand is the perfect answer to procrastination. You can ask most writers in my newsroom - deadlines and down to the wire stories are what motivates writers. Take for instance me. I have been putting off writing this blog post because I'm a procrastinator. I procrastinate. IT'S WHAT I DO!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Being the underdog at every card game

Card games were pretty much what our time "up on the hill" (Meme and Poppy Rumker's) was centered around. It has taken me years to finally admit, but my cousin Beth is the master when it comes to cards. We still have our bantering back and forth sessions about who will win the next match, but about 98 percent of the time the win is hers.

Here are a few things to give you insight into why she is seen as the master of cards in the Rumker family:

1. After a while, Meme refused to play against Beth...especially after she realized her "hex" on her opponent wasn't working.
2. Meme made many rules to make it easier on us kids, but the best and most memorable was when Louie and Jon Paul cried because Beth would go out before everyone at the table was able to play during Phase 10. From then on, Meme said that no one was allowed to go out until everyone got at least one turn on each round. Oh, and she also didn't believe in skips.:)
3. Beth knew how to gloat without actually having to gloat. She would win a hand and have a smirk on her face while gathering her cards...not one word came from her mouth unless you said something first (which was almost every time) and even then it was a calmly stated, sarcastic remark in which you had no words in reply.

Now, even though Beth was seen as the best, there was always something so great about being the underdog.

When the underdog won a hand, that person was given the free reign to gloat as loud and as long as they wanted. There was no "Now be nice." or "Sssshhhh...not so loud." OH NO. So, this makes losing a little easier to take.

Plus, it was like getting a trophy when you won and got to place your star on Meme's calendar. Memories...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Gift ideas for my cousin on MY half birthday

My favorite cousin Beth (B.Rum) has a birthday coming up. Coincidentally, her birthday is my half birthday. This has always been a running joke between the two of us as to who is more important. For instance, on her birthday a few years ago, I was in Kansas City visiting the Rumker family. Since she was unable to show her wonderful face in KC that weekend, my aunts and uncles decided to call HER cell phone and sing happy HALF birthday to me.:)

On August 17 I believe my half birthday should overshadow her actual birthday, while on February 17, she believes her half birthday should overshadow my actual birthday.

Anyways, recently Beth asked me what I would be getting her for her birthday...well, I decided that her present should be unique, pretty and something that could be mailed easily to her since she has decided to live in the dreadful state of Oklahoma.

So I have decided on the perfect gift. I will take a picture.........of myself (unique). I will run it through Photoshop so that it has a (pretty) border on it. Then I will place it in a text message, make her as the recipient and push send (saving on a few stamps to mail her something). I have covered all my bases...I do believe my job here is done!

I love you B.Rum and there is no possible way I would tell you what I am getting you for your birthday - I guess you'll just have to be surprised.:)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dancing in the rain

What I saw today on my way to work:

1. People running with a smile on their the rain.

2. A mom dancing with her little girl and hands raised in the the rain.

3. A woman sticking her entire arm out the window while the rain.

It's so great how times like these bring out the little kid in us. Have some fun on this nice day today and go jump in a puddle!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Let the countdown begin

There are many things that I look forward to in my life and right now within my top 5 I shall say is this coming weekend. Now, I will admit that next weekend will be just as important probably, but I am so tired that I need some time to just be me.:)

My countdown has began for the next few days and it goes something like this:

—>17 hours until my weekend officially begins
    *Give or take 30 minutes.

—>26 hours until my Sunday morning coffee with Matty
     *A cup o' Joe and getting to see his pearly whites.

—>28.5 hours until much needed Church
     * soak in His presence.

—>51 hours until my last softball game of the season
    *Then the countdown to volleyball in the spring will begin

—>51.5 hours until I am on the couch relaxing while I watch Gilmore Girls with my marvelous guy.
     *OH and that also includes a spectacular cup o' Joe.

AND somewhere in there I will get to see the sublime faces of my Allen Family. Yay!!!

My eyes are tired and my feet hurt...bring on the weekend.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Caught "String Cheese-handed"

It doesn't matter how quiet you are.
It doesn't matter if you hold down the light button in the refrigerator so he doesn't notice it has been opened.
It doesn't matter if you open the package with a knife (to minimize on noise).
And it doesn't matter if you tippy toe across the linoleum so you're unheard.

No matter what, you are stopped in your tracks as soon as you tippy toe around the kitchen corner with string cheese in one hand and a peeled portion of it dangling above your open mouth in the other hand. While PJ Harvey sits there with his tail wagging from side to side, hound dog eyes staring at you and a quizzical look on his face asking why you have yet to offer him a piece.

This is the moment in which you wonder where he gets this from.
Oh yes...

Your thought process goes right back to each instance in the past 2 1/2 years where his Grandma Joy has fed him consistently off her plate or his Papa Terry has let him lick the ice cream carton after he was finished with his share.

However, for me, each day is a day where I try not to be caught "String Cheese-handed".

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The end to an addiction

Okay. I am going to admit, right here on this page that I am an addict. This addiction to such a wonderful liquid did not come in spurts, rather it was a constant thought in my mind. It has many different smells and many different tastes. I needed it in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. It affected my mood and how I communicated with those around me. I could smell it from miles away.

I have been addicted to this substance since I was about 4 or 5 years old due to my mother giving me sips of it from time to time. I started hitting it a little harder in junior high, then my impatience to have the substance grew in high school as I would drink it in the mornings and in the evenings. I began with the harder stuff in college - doubling my intake. After college my intake expanded as I began shots of the substance.

I have given my niece a few sips, which I think has passed my addiction on because she whispers to me all the time, "Aunt Val, do you have any of that yummy stuff?"

I am proud to say that I have ended the addiction to this substance within the past 21 days as I have cut back to only drinking 1-2 times a week...and those times that I do drink is do to pressure from my boyfriend (whose pops owns a shop FULL of the substance) and my Pastor who would always remind me that he had some every time I walked in the church doors.

Since my routine has changed due to my new job at the Jefferson City News Tribune and working 3 - 11 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, I tend to sleep past my normal drinking time. By the time I wake up, my day involves constant running about so that I am distracted from my addiction. My work provides the substance (no charge), but they don't brew it correctly, so it tastes horrible - even to an addict like me.

All of this to tell you that I have kicked the addiction and am no longer drawn to it. HOWEVER, I'm sure that it is okay for an addict to be drawn to Wal-Mart's aisle 5 and day dream about taking sips. I'll admit those times that I do have a cup, it is downed within minutes.

To tell you the truth, I miss it - tremendously. So much in fact that I can smell it coming from the coffee shop just a few blocks over.
It smells so full of delight...

Hmmm could I feel a relapse coming? I think it's my breaktime...Sorry, I have to go...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What am I doing?

I have no clue what I'm doing with this blog and I have no idea what to write about...even though I'm a writer.

Well, I will start with this, "'s a little hot outside, isn't it..."

Don't look at me like that - the weather always comes up when a conversation isn't going anywhere. Geez.